Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Great YouTube Channel

Hi all! I would like to share with you this YouTube channel I recently discovered that has given me great ideas about Montessori-based methods of teaching students Practical Life activities. I think that most of these videos would be helpful to Kindergarten students, but I'm sure we can all learn a little something about these videos to share appropriately. I know, this is just one video pertaining to just ONE of the few subject/centers that we all have going on through our classrooms, but the channel's name should be My Works Montessori...Thanks for checking it out! 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Unique Painting Tools and Techniques

 I was researching painting techniques and came across this video. I had never heard of it until I watched this. It's called "Tall Painting" and it looks awesome. I would like to do this sometime with the students. I think they would really enjoy everything about this. Check it out!!

Saturday, October 6, 2012


We planted some flowers in our garden. We will soon be planting peas we've been growing in our classroom. :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

BrainPOP! Cool website!

Many of you have probably heard of a website called "BrainPOP". "BrainPOP creates animated, curriculum-based content that engages students, supports educators, and bolsters achievement." 

I've watched these videos for about six years, and have always found them to be really helpful. The website offers a site specifically for educators and is free. There is also a "BrainPOP Jr." that focuses more on Kinder through third grade. The only downside to BrainPOP is if you want access to ALL of the videos, you have to sign up and pay a set amount for the year. You can also sign up for a free trial that only allows you to have access to the content for a certain amount of time. 

BrainPOP url:

BrainPOP Jr. url:

BrainPOP Educators url:

Another cool thing pertaining to the BrainPOP Educators' website is that it offers lesson plans that you could get some pretty cool ideas off of. The lesson plans include Science, Technology, Art, Health, Math, Social Studies, etc...

Just thought this would be a cool website to share! Enjoy!